Parents As Teachers (PAT) Early Head Start

The Parents As Teachers Early Head Start home-based program connects expectant parents and parents of young children (up to age three) with a trained Early Childhood Specialist. This model uses the Parents As Teachers curriculum and abides by all Head Start Performance Standards. Charleston County First Steps offers this program in partnership with the Charleston County School District.

Our trained Parent Educators provide home visits at least twice per month either in-person, virtually, or through phone calls. During these visits, discussions with parents include child development topics such as sleep, nutrition, safety, discipline, and health.

These PAT Home Visitors also arrange group connections twice per month to foster a sense of community for young families and to highlight local resources. These gatherings are sometimes at local parks or community centers and other times are virtual socializations.

Families enjoy cookie decorating
Families enjoy cookie decorating, one of the many activities at this winter-themed PAT Socialization.